April 2, 2011



Event will last a couple weeks.

Beginning tonight at 9 pm SL time. Project FUR Japan has opened a charity sim. Funds provide for the animals in need from the disaster of Japan's earthquakes and tsunamis. Along with the human tragedy, there are also the animals who need our help.

Tonight is the Grand Opening of the charity event. Come and see what merchants like myself have provided for Project FUR Japan. I've pasted one of my contributions (a screen) in the photo above. 100% of sales go directly from the merchant's account into Project FUR Japan.

Hope you can make it to the opening! Please check out their website for information and a direct link to the charity location. ( I don't know how to make a direct link into Second Life, but they have it on their website). In addition, they are still accepting merchants if you'd like to participate. Project FUR Japan.

Thank you,

Haveit Neox

Mixing and Matching for Spring

The Mix and Match Hunt just has started - and there are so many cute outfits to find for the ladies (yes - this is a girls only hunt). The vendors provided top quality gifts you can wear as outfit, but also can combine with your favorite parts of your virtual wardrobe.
This outfit can be found at 22769 ~ casual couture. It contains a retro babydoll and a pink skirt - but of course the babydoll goes also brillant with some vintage denims and the skirt with a neat shirt.
If you fancy the Mix and Match Hunt - better check out the webpage with hints and SURLs to the stores. The page can be found here.
The displayed outfit is hidden here.

March 28, 2011

Blaisdale and Co. - Where the Peep? hunt

Blaisdale and Co. @ Folsom is hopping into spring with the Where the Peep are You? hunt. Alright, maybe we went a little over-easy or got scrambled with the egg theme... The hint is 'I am hiding where your bunny slippers might be...' so come by and take a look.

March 27, 2011

VENISON OPTERA at the Museum on Cranberry Dock

Venison Optera

Currently showing at the North Wing of the Museum on Cranberry Dock.

On the ACC Alpha sim.

Visit the Museum:


Several months ago, a friend sent me an lm to see the works of Venison Optera. Enthralled with her carefully worked illustrative style and subject matter of an imaginary and psychologically rich animal world, I found myself standing for a long time before her small gem-like works, taking a journey into the art, letting my imagination go free. Below is a statement written by the artist about her connection to her work. I wish you a fine adventure of 'creative play' throughout Venison's exhibit.

- Haveit Neox

Artist Statement:

A few years ago I had the sudden urge to set aside serious art practice in order to try my hand at illustrating my many morbid childhood preoccupations. As a professional artist who rarely had the occasion to draw or paint, I often had to explain myself to people who did not understand that some artists are not image makers. It's while exploring these more amusing aspects of traditional artmaking that I slowly rediscovered the pleasure of creative play, something which had been discouraged by a formal art education that no longer considered illustration a relevant artform. How fitting it is to have found a home for these works in Second Life where the ease of a virtual lifestyle lends itself so perfectly to simple childhood joys.

- Venison Optera

SS - Golden Night

get this outfit at Saris Creations