The new cycle of the mens.dept! started yesterday. From 22769 ~ [homme] you find the Rob Coat Suit for the special steal of 190 L$ there.
Rob Coat Suit from 22769 ~ [homme] at the Mens.Dept. |
22769 ~[bauwerk] shows you for the special of 99L$ (each) the Cube Chair - Line Art, in either black or white. The Chair has 17 animations sitting animations included. Each chair is 2 LI / 1 Prim and SL-Materials enabled.
Mesh Cube Chair style Lineart - white, from 22769 ~ [bauwerk] for just 99L$ at the mens.dept! |
Mesh Cube Chair style Lineart - white, from 22769 ~ [bauwerk] for just 99L$ at the mens.dept! |
Ready for the mens.dept, than use the teleport here (SLurl: