December 9, 2011

Mens.Select - 3rd cycle, new location

For those of you who lived the last months under a rock on mars: Mens.Select is an ongoing sale event just for the lads. You can find steals there, first releases and even freebies by a great variety of male fashion designers. And everything 50% off and never over 100 L$!
Mens:Select started as this cute little smoking room for gentlemen - now it became even bigger and transformed into a cozy cabin and also the amount of designers increased. Therefore the fairground moved to a new location.
The offering of 22769 ~ casual couture in the 3rd cycle is this doublejumper for just 60 L$. It is even a first release at the Mens.Select. More coloroptions will come to the 22769 ~ casual couture Flagshipstore next week.
So better jump over to the cabin and get your steal there. Here is your cab to the NEW cabin.

Even more Advent goodies

Advent is in full swing - and i am glad to show you the next items of the 22769 ~ casual couture Advent Calendar: There is something for everyone - candy cane mouthies, a rattan sitting bag, red woolen pants, a necklace and longsleeves with seasonal patterns. And the best part: all for free. Just jump to 22769 ~ casual couture and pick the gift with the right date. \o/
And here is your cab.

December 4, 2011

Black Market in Black and White

The second cycle of the Black Market is on - this time with a twist: All items are trans - so you can buy them as a gift for someone else. 22769 ~ casual coutures offering is this neat houndstooth coat for the steal of 100 L$.
The brillant face tattoo comes from Stain Cosmetics - a remarkable shop that openes its gates in January. But you can have a sneak peek about the make ups on the Zombie Popcorn Dark Magic Winter Event - and it is oh so worth it! Never seen before artistic Face Masks and Tattoos. So better check this one out!

Shape: CS Shapes DECLAN Shape
Hair: *SH* Saku Hair black
Facetattoo: Stain Cosmetics on Zombie Popcorn Dark Magic Feelings
Coat: 22769 ~ casual couture on Black Market Houndstooth coat