December 9, 2011

Mens.Select - 3rd cycle, new location

For those of you who lived the last months under a rock on mars: Mens.Select is an ongoing sale event just for the lads. You can find steals there, first releases and even freebies by a great variety of male fashion designers. And everything 50% off and never over 100 L$!
Mens:Select started as this cute little smoking room for gentlemen - now it became even bigger and transformed into a cozy cabin and also the amount of designers increased. Therefore the fairground moved to a new location.
The offering of 22769 ~ casual couture in the 3rd cycle is this doublejumper for just 60 L$. It is even a first release at the Mens.Select. More coloroptions will come to the 22769 ~ casual couture Flagshipstore next week.
So better jump over to the cabin and get your steal there. Here is your cab to the NEW cabin.