W-T-N presents: The Disco Hunt

The Disco Hunt (15th September- 15th October)

D*I*S*C*O - like Ottawan said.
This hunt is dedicated to Disco - and all related kind of stuff. Think about Studio 54 and Saturday Night Fever. This is ought to be an absolute fun hunt. Appropriate gifts are i.e. superflare outfits, dance animations, saturday night fever poses, studio 54 skyboxes, jewellery, afro hair, make up,...etc. Be creative :-))

1. The hunt will become organised via subscriber. If you apply to the hunt you MUST subscribe on a subscriber (landmark will be handed out shortly). Please note: If you took part in a former WTN hunt the subscribo-lists became ERASED - so even if you have subscribed in the past you have to subscribe again!
2. After you became accepted in this hunt you will receive the huntsign. Please hang the huntsign out asap. No huntsign out - out of the hunt! Also: The huntsign is scripted. If no scripts are allowed or disabled on your land please contact Manuel Ormidale.
3. After you applied and something happenes to your store like moving, rebranding or even closing - LET US KNOW! First of course it is important for the organisation. Second: we can let people know via the blog http://w-t-n.blogspot.com - which helps most of all you
4. The hunt will be a loop. That means: All positions are only for organisation purposes and to make it easier for the hunters to find the SURL and the hint for your store on the webpage. BUT: hunters can start the hunt EVERYWHERE IN THE LOOP. When they come back at your place they finished the hunt (the "last" position leads back to the "first" position).
5. We will set up a blogger area short before the hunt starts where you can rez your gift for blogger to take it and to blog about the hunt. You will receive the landmark via the subscriber. This landmark is strictly confidential. Also: the blogger area will be orb protected. Only registered blogger and merchants have access to this place. If you know a blogger who is interested in blogging the hunt and wants to have access to the blogger-area - please tell Paco Pooley - he will contact them directly.
6. It is not necessary to join the WHATS THE NEWS GROUP for the hunt. However - you as merchant are allowed to post advertising via groupnotifications (and via groupnotifications ONLY - not in direct chat), one per day. If you are interested in this please contact Paco Pooley or Manuel Ormidale - you will receive a groupinvite with the right tag to post notifications.

Thats all for now - looking forward to a great fun hunt together with you
hugz and *kissKiss*
Paco Pooley and Manuel Ormidale

Please copy and paste the following in a notecard name it in the following format:

DH - [your brand] - [your name]

and send it inworld to Manuel Ormidale OR Paco Pooley.

*** Apllication "Disco Hunt" ****************************************

Your Name:

Your Store Name:

2nd Contact: (not mendatory)

Your Landmark:

SURL to your store:

Rating of your Sim (G | M | A):

Scripts allowed on your land:

Type of Store:(what do you sell? )

Your Prize Idea:


*** End of Application ********************************************